Core International Crimes Database
CICD Editors

Kai Ambos
CICD Editor
March 2010 -
Kai Ambos has been Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Comparative Law and International Criminal Law at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen since May 2003 and Dean of Student Affairs since summer 2008. He is also Member of the Office of Examination (Justizprüfungsamt) of the Ministry of Justice of Lower Saxony and freelance consultant on the issues of international criminal law, transitional justice and judicial reform in Latin America to the Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ-German agency for technical cooperation), the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and other organisations. From 1991 to 2003, he was senior research fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany) in charge of the International Criminal Law and Spanish-speaking Latin America Sections. On behalf of Germany, he has participated in the negotiations on the creation of the International Criminal Court and later became a member of the expert working group of the German Federal Ministry of Justice on implementing the Rome Statute. He has also worked extensively in Latin America on human rights, drug-related issues and criminal law reforms. He has written widely on international criminal law and procedure in German, English, Spanish and Portuguese. He is a member of editorial boards of several international criminal journals in Europe and Latin America. His educational background includes: study of law and political science at the Universities of Freiburg (Germany), Oxford (United Kingdom) and Munich (Germany); 1st and 2nd state exams; and "Habilitation" (post-doctoral qualification for a professorship) in criminal law, criminal procedure, criminology, comparative law and public international law at the Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (Germany).

Morten Bergsmo
CICD Editor
March 2010 -
Morten Bergsmo has worked with international criminal law and criminal justice for atrocities since 1993. He is Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow, European University Institute; Visiting Fellow, Stanford University; Visiting Professor, Georgetown University; Researcher, University of Oslo; and Co-ordinator of the ICC Legal Tools Project (2006-). He was formerly Senior Researcher, PRIO (2006-2009); Special Adviser to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution of Norway (2007-08); Senior Legal Adviser and Chief of the Legal Advisory Section, ICC Office of the Prosecutor (2002-05); Co-ordinator of the establishment of the ICC Office of the Prosecutor (2002-03); Legal Adviser, International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) (1994-2002); and Legal Adviser, UN Commission of Experts for the Former Yugoslavia established pursuant to Security Council resolution 780(1992) (1993-94). He represented the ICTY to the UN negotiation process to establish the ICC (1996-2002). Since 2005, he has worked more closely with national capacity building, knowledge-transfer and legal empowerment in the area of core international crimes, including in Argentina, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Canada, Denmark, Indonesia, Iraq, Macedonia, the Netherlands, Norway and Serbia. He has published extensively in international criminal law and has had several international consultancies in international criminal justice. He founded and is the Director of the Case Matrix Network.

Alexander Heinze
CICD Editor
March 2010 -
Alexander Heinze studied law at the University of Göttingen/Germany and Trinity College, Dublin/Ireland. He finished his law degree in 2008 with a specialisation in European Law. Subsequently, he became research assistant and PhD student at the Department for Foreign and International Criminal Law of the University of Göttingen (Prof. Dr. Kai Ambos), where he has been working as a student research assistant since 2003. His main research areas are international and foreign criminal procedures. Between 2008 and 2010, Alexander Heinze has been giving criminal law tutorials, became a board member of the Institute for Criminal Law and Justice at the University of Göttingen and external reviewer of the Göttingen Journal of International Law (GoJIL). Since April 2010, Alexander Heinze is a CICD Fellow and supervisor of the Elements Digest Group.

Sangkul Kim
CICD Editor
March 2010 -
Sangkul Kim completed his LL.B. at Korea University in Seoul before working in legal departments for multinational corporations for four years. He then obtained a LL.M. in International Legal Studies from Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C., majoring in international criminal law. Until 2009, he worked as Associate Legal Advisor in the Legal Advisory Section and the Prosecution Division of the ICC Office of the Prosecutor for four and a half years. He has been involved in Case Matrix training and advisory work in several Asian countries. He is one of the architects behind the 'Means of Proof' digest accessible through the Case Matrix.

Christian Ranheim
CICD Editor
March 2010 -
Christian Ranheim is Programme Director of the ICC Legal Tools Programme at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights. He obtained his law degree from the University of Oslo in 1997 with specialisation in international human rights law and international criminal law. He initially worked for a Norwegian human rights NGO and as a legal aid coordinator for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Sarajevo. In 2001 he co-founded and became the first director of the Judicial System Monitoring Programme in East Timor which observed and analysed the trials before the Special Panels for Serious Crimes. In late 2002 and 2003, Christian worked as head of a district office of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission before joining the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights in late 2003. He initially worked as a legal advisor with the Indonesia Programme with focus on capacity building within the field of international criminal law before entering into his current position with the ICC Legal Tools Programme. He has lectured extensively on international law in conflict areas and has carried out Case Matrix competence building activities in several countries, working with state and non-governmental actors.

Aleksandra Sidorenko
CICD Editor
April 2010 -
Aleksandra Sidorenko holds a law degree from the American University of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan), and master's degrees in Information and Communication Technologies Law and in Public International Law (University of Oslo). She has working experience from a commercial law firm "Consultant" as a lawyer and from several development projects in Kyrgyzstan as a research assistant. While studying in Norway, she has done research in legal information retrieval and legal empowerment in international criminal justice. She works as a research assistant at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights of the University of Oslo co-ordinating its contribution to the population of the Core International Crimes Database and developing a research project in the area.

Ilia Utmelidze
CICD Editor
March 2010 -
Ilia Utmelidze is a Legal Adviser at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights. He has previously served as Legal Adviser in the Human Rights Department of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, advising on institution-building in areas such as domestic war crimes prosecution mechanisms (including the development of a national strategy for war crimes prosecution), specialised investigative commissions for Srebrenica and Sarajevo, and the establishment of a single state-level ombudsman institution (2004-). He has also worked for the Norwegian Refugee Council in Azerbaijan with capacity building of local NGOs in the field of human rights protection and advocacy, and been a consultant on development of human rights education and peace programs within the educational system of Azerbaijan (2001-04). He worked for the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights on a minority policy and law research project in 2000-01. He has been involved in Case Matrix-based activities in the Balkans and Scandinavia.
CICD Fellows

Nara Baek
CICD Junior Fellow
June 2011 - September 2013
Nara Baek was born in Gunsan, Republic of Korea. She has studied law at Korea University. She worked as an interpreter in several international conferences and did volunteer work as a translator in the NGO 'World Vision' for a few years. She also wrote a book about studying 'together' for high schoolers. She is currently taking this semester off from her school to prepare for bar exam. Since she has a great interest in the ICC and international law, she is pleased to work on the Means of Proof Digest through the Core International Crimes Database.

Dr. Stefanie Bock
CICD Fellow
March 2010 -
Dr. Stefanie Bock has studied law at the University of Hamburg and holds a PhD in international criminal law from the same University (topic: victims before the International Criminal Court). During her doctorate, she has worked as research assistant for Prof. Dr. Peter Mankowski, University of Hamburg, and as intern at the Registry of the International Criminal Court, Office of Public Council for Victims. From 2008 to 2010, she did her legal traineeship (Rechtsreferendariat) at the Higher Regional Court of Braunschweig. Currently, Dr. Stefanie Bock is senior research assistant of Prof. Dr. Kai Ambos and assistant professor at the Georg-August University of Göttingen, Department for Foreign and International Criminal Law. She teaches criminal law and criminal procedural law. Her main research areas are international criminal law, European criminal law and the rights of crime victims.

Nienke Boskma
CICD Fellow
November 2011 - September 2012
Nienke Boskma is currently pursuing an LL.M. Degree in International Law and the Law of International Organizations, Specialization Human Rights, at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. She obtained her LL.B. Degree in International and European Law in the summer of 2012, and is presently a research assistant at the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Groningen. Interested in international human rights law and criminal law, she intends to explore these areas further through participation in the Core International Crimes Database project.

Sungho Chung
CICD Junior Fellow
June 2011 - September 2013
Sungho Chung is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in law as senior student at Korea University. His emphasis has been on international law, and he is looking to pursue his career in the academic fields of international law and jurisprudence. Prior to joining the Means of Proof Digest Group, he won the Chairman of the Korean Society of International Law (KSIL) Prize in the undergraduate division of the 10th Annual Dissertations Competition in International Law, held in 2010.

Anna Katharina Höhmann
CICD Junior Fellow
January 2011 -
From 1996 to 1998 and from 1999 to 2000, Anna Katharina Höhmann studied at the Elementary School in Waake, Lower Saxony, Germany. In 1998-99 she went to the Ysgol-y-Borth School in Menai Bridge, Wales. She went to Middle School in Göttingen and in June 2009, received her diploma from Felix-Klein-Gymnasium in Göttingen. After spending a year in Mount Pleasant, Michigan, she began studying law at the University of Göttingen, where she became Junior Fellow of the Elements Digest Group of the Legal Tools Project in January 2011.

Nino Janiashvili
CICD Fellow
October 2010 - September 2012
Nino Janiashvili currently is a master's candidate at the University of Oslo majoring in Human Rights Law. She holds an LL.B. degree from Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Law, major in International Law. Previously, Nino has worked for The Georgian Young Lawyers' Association (GYLA), a non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting human rights and the rule of law and for Transparency International - Georgia. Nino is an intern at the ICC Legal Tools Programme at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NCHR) in Oslo, working on the Means of Proof Digest through the Core International Crimes Database.

Minyoung Jeon
CICD Junior Fellow
May 2011 - September 2013
Minyoung Jeon was born in Seoul, Republic of Korea. After graduating Myung duk foreign-language high school, he is currently studying law at Korea University. In May 2011, Minyoung became a CICD Fellow of the Means of Proof Digest Group.

Dawoon Jung
CICD Fellow
June 2011 - September 2013
Dawoon is a graduate student of international law at Korea University in Seoul, Korea. Also, she has been a legal researcher at Korea University Legal Research Institute since 1 March 2011. When she was a undergraduate student, she won the third prize in the thesis competition of international law hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and The Korean Society of International Law. By winning the prize, she got an opportunity to participate in the summer course for public international law of the Hague Academy in 2009. These experiences have made her even more interested in human rights and international criminal law.

Noeun Kim
CICD Junior Fellow
June 2011 - September 2013
Noeun Kim graduated from Sangsan High school, South Korea, in February 2007. She is now studying law at Korea University. She has been engaged in volunteering. She became a member of the ICC Legal Tool Project team in June 2011 under the supervision of Professor Kigab Park.

Sabine Klein
CICD Fellow
May 2010 -
Sabine Klein is a doctoral student at the Georg-August University Göttingen/Germany, researching on the ICC in Uganda. She worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Georg-August University Göttingen, and is currently sojourning and researching in Uganda. She studied law in Bremen and Hamburg. Her subsequent practical traineeship (Rechtsreferendariat) in Hamburg included an internship at the ICTR in Arusha/Tanzania. Admitted to the bar of attorneys in Berlin, she practiced in 2009 in a law firm specialized in corporate criminal law.

CICD Junior Fellow
August 2011 - September 2013

Hye Yoon Lee
CICD Junior Fellow
October 2011 - September 2013
Hye Yoon Lee is currently studying law at Korea University, Seoul. She graduated from Myung Duk foreign language high school. She has been working as an intern at Legislation and Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea. She was awarded first place at the international humanitarian law moot court competition, co-hosted by International Committee of the Red Cross and National Red Cross of the Republic of Korea. Deeply interested in international law, she started working on the Means of Proof Digest through the Core International Crimes Database.

Sejin Lee
CICD Junior Fellow
May 2011 - September 2013
Sejin Lee studied international studies at Korea University, Seoul/Korea. She is a senior in her bachelor's degree for international studies, which extensively discusses international relations and organization. She became interested in international law in 2009, competing in the Jessup International Moot Court Competition in Washington, D.C. In 2010, she visited King's College London in the University of London and took courses in European law. She became a CICD Junior Fellow in May 2011.

Thadeus Mabasi
CICD Fellow
August 2010 - September 2012
Mabasi Thadeus is a lawyer and an advocate of the High Court of Uganda. He obtained a bachelor of laws degree (2nd class upper division) from Makerere University in Uganda and a postgraduate diploma in legal practice from the Law Development Centre in Kampala, Uganda. In addition, he holds a master's degree in Public International Law specializing in International Humanitarian Law and Criminal Law. He has widely researched and published in the area of international criminal law and international law in general. He is currently an intern at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights with the ICC's Legal Tools Project, working on the Means of Proof Digest through the Core International Crimes Database.

Svenja Meininghaus
Junior Fellow
January 2011 -
Svenja Meininghaus was born in Wolfsburg, Germany. She is currently studying law at the University of Göttingen with a major in International and European public law. In this context she attended classes in European Law, International Criminal Law, Public International Law and European Constitutional Law. She holds a scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation since 2007. Since the beginning of 2011, she has been working as a student research assistant at the Department for Foreign and International Criminal Law of Prof. Dr. Kai Ambos in Göttingen. She became a Junior Fellow of the Elements Digest Group of the Legal Tools Project in January 2011.

Jorge Moncaleano
CICD Fellow
February 2011 - September 2012
Jorge Moncaleano is currently pursuing a master's programme in Theory and Practice of Human Rights at the University of Oslo. He holds a specialization degree in Institutions of Criminal Law from the National University of Colombia, and previously obtained a law degree from the same institution. Jorge has professional experience working for the Colombian judiciary on human rights and criminal cases. He is working on the Means of Proof Digest through the Core International Crimes Database.

Nigar Mustafayeva
CICD Fellow
August 2010 - September 2012
Nigar Mustafayeva holds a bachelor degree in international law from Baku State University, Azerbaijan, master's degree in Public International Law from University of Oslo and is currently pursuing a two-year master's degree in the Theory and Practice of Human Rights at the University of Oslo. She worked for several NGOs and engaged in the dissemination of knowledge on human rights in Azerbaijan. She also worked for a project providing free legal aid to the victims of corruption. During her studies at the University of Oslo, she joined the Legal Tools Project, working first on metadata in the Legal Tools Database and then continuing with the Means of Proof Digest through the Core International Crimes Database.

Leta Jaleta Negeri
CICD Fellow
January 2011- September 2012
Leta Jaleta Negeri holds a bachelor of law from Bahir Dar University in Ethiopia. He worked first as a prosecutor and then as a judge in the high court of Oromiya National Regional State of Kelem Wollega zone in Ethiopia. In 2007, he came to Norway as a resettlement refugee of the UNHCR. From 2009 onwards, he is studying at the Public International Law master's programme at the University of Oslo. He is working on the Means of Proof Digest through the Core International Crimes Database.

Uta Nolte
Junior Fellow
April 2010 -
Uta Nolte holds a German secondary school degree qualifying for university admission or matriculation and a California High School diploma. Since October 2008, she is studying law at the Georg August University of Göttingen, Germany. She has been a student research assistant at the Department for Foreign and International Criminal Law (Prof. Dr. Kai Ambos) since 2009. In April 2010, she became Junior Fellow of the Elements Group of the Legal Tools Project. She did internships at the District Court in Göttingen and at the Public Defender's Office in Eureka, California.

Hsiang Pan
CICD Fellow
March 2010 - September 2013
Hsiang Pan graduated from Taipei Municipal Song Shan Senior High School in June 2000. She obtained her Bachelor degree in law from the National Chengchi University in January 2005. She passed the Bar Examination in September 2005 and worked as a lawyer in the Due Law to Reason law firm and Maulin law firm from January 2006 until September 2007. Hsiang has been studying law as a postgraduate at the University of Göttingen since April 2009, and graduated in December 2010 with a thesis on Menschenrechte, Humanitäres Völkerrecht und Völkerstrafrecht (Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law). Since March 2010, she has contributed to the ICC Legal Tool Project under the instruction of Professor Kai Ambos at the University of Göttingen. She is now a PhD-student at the Department for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Göttingen.

Soyeon Park
CICD Junior Fellow
June 2011 - September 2013
Soyeon Park is currently an undergraduate student at Korea University College of Law. She is an editor of Korea University Law Journal, and a member of Korea University Network for International Studies and Activities. Deeply interested in international law and international relations, she is an active member of Means of Proof Digest Group.

Laith Sawalha
CICD Fellow
November 2010 - September 2012
Laith Sawalha holds a master's degree in the Theory and Practice of Human Rights from the University of Oslo. His master's thesis focused on labor rights and corporate social responsibility. He also holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Ottawa with a major in political science and minor in philosophy. He is currently a research assistant at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights of the University of Oslo, working on the Means of Proof Digest through the Core International Crimes Database.

Jinsook Song
CICD Fellow
June 2011 - September 2013
Jinsook Song has studied law at Korea University in Seoul, South Korea. While in university, she worked as an editor of Korea University Law Journal and as an intern at a law firm in Seoul. She's working on her master's thesis in international criminal law under the supervision of professor Ki GaB Park. She is currently a researcher at the Legal Research Institute in Korea University. Since June 2011, Jinsook Song has worked on the Means of Proof Digest through the Core International Crimes Database at Korea University.

Natasha Telson
CICD Fellow
January 2011- September 2012
Natasha Telson has a bachelor of arts from Roosevelt Academy, Utrecht University. In addition to her internship at the ICC Legal Tools Programme at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, she also volunteers her time at the Norwegian Organization for Asylum Seekers. She is currently enrolled in the MA Theory and Practice of Human Rights at Oslo University. She is working on the Means of Proof Digest through the Core International Crimes Database.

Anina Timmermann
CICD Junior Fellow
April 2010 -
After participating in a year-long student exchange programme in Durban, South Africa, Anina Timmermann graduated from High School in June 2009. In October 2009, she started studying law at Georg-August-University in Göttingen, Germany. Since June 2010, she has been student research assistant at the Department forForeignand International Criminal Law of Prof. Dr. Kai Ambos. In April 2010, she became Junior Fellow of the Elements Digest Group of the Legal Tools Project.

Luis Vásquez Cordero
CICD Fellow
February 2011 - September 2012
Luis Vásquez Cordero holds a law degree from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), and is currently undertaking the master's programme of Philosophy in the Theory and Practice of Human Rights in the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NCHR) and University of Oslo Faculty of Law. At the same time, he is enrolled in the master's programme in Politivitenskap (Police Science) at the Oslo Politihøgskolen. He has worked many years with different non-governmental organizations in the field of combating trafficking in persons in Perú. He has conducted different projects aimed at identifying and assisting victims of trafficking, as well as training personnel in the police and other state agencies. For some years, he worked as an advisor to the Minister of Interior in Peru, with special responsibility for monitoring and reforming the Peruvian police force. He is a member of the State Alumni global community composed for all past and current participants of U.S. government-sponsored exchange programmes. He is working on the Means of Proof Digest through the Core International Crimes Database.

Franziska Wolf
Junior Fellow
April 2011 -
Franziska Wolf holds a German secondary school degree qualifying for university admission or matriculation from 2008. Franziska worked for the NGO "Our Children e.V." in Tamale/Ghana from October until December 2008, before starting to study law at the University of Göttingen/Germany in April 2009. From September 2010 until January 2011, she studied Law at the University of Burgundy in Dijon/France. Subsequently, in early 2011, she did an internship at the office SCP Régis Berland and Thierry Berland, specialised in criminal law, in Dijon/France. Franziska has been student assistant at the international office at the University of Göttingen since May 2011 and at the Department for Foreign and International Criminal Law (Prof. Dr. Kai Ambos) since June 2011. In April 2011, Franziska joined the Legal Tools Project to contribute to the Elements Digest Group in Göttingen/Germany.

Darim Yoon
CICD Junior Fellow
June 2011 - September 2013
Darim Yoon is a senior student in the Law Department of Korea University in Seoul, studying for a bachelor's degree. She has worked as one of the Program Officers to hold "G20 Seoul Speakers' Consultation 2011" belonging to the Task Force of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea. She is currently working on the Means of Proof Digest through the Core International Crimes Database.